Name: Timothy/Tun Tuah
Age: 13+
School: EVSS

It's easy to admire me, but hard to love me. :(.




█Love songs

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Brushes : Deviantart
Saturday, September 25, 2010
▄▀▄▀ 8:56 AM ▀▄▀▄

Ok, time to revive this dusty blog as Tun is in th hse yo.
Sry for nt blogging this past few days dear diary.
Well because of th fact tht Im so lazy to blog.
Anyway, today i went out with Jon to TM to study together.
On my way there, it was raining
and all i could say was veri suay.
First of all, my jeans and slippers are wet.
2nd, my files and worksheets are wet too as some i didnt put it inside my bag.
3rd, at mac i ordered a $1 coke but instead thy gave me a $1 sprite.
Realised tht it was a sprite whn i drank it.
Slow reaction rite?
Anyway, waited for jon like a prositute for abt 10mins.
Meet up with him and head off to Macdonad beside KFC to study.
But thn change our mind n thn headed to KFC.
We studied for abt an hour n thn ordered cheese fries.
After tht we went to Tampines Mall and walked around there like some freaks.
While we were walking, a guy who was riding th bike accidentally bump into jon.
Thn Jon was like "Asshole, u want me to die is it".
Thn th person looked back at jon and thn continued riding.
Thn Jon was like so scared of him.
Haha, it was a gd joke though.
Anyway, let this be a short post for today as Im so damn tired.
N it's past 12am rite nw.
So, till here dear diary.
Goodbye and good nite!! :D

Ups it went , down it must come


Monday, August 9, 2010
▄▀▄▀ 12:10 AM ▀▄▀▄

Finally my dream came true tht is to help at th old folks home before fasting month starts.
N I've done it. :D
Anyway, sry for nt blogging lately dear diary..
Wasn't in a mood to blog.
Hmm, so where was i?
Oh yes..
Last Friday, some councillors were tasks to help at th old folks home.
Which i am included to help.
Anyway, our tasks is to fetch th old folks to our school.
At first, i thought tht it's going to be a combination of chinese and malay old folks.
But it turns out tht it's a chinese old folks home just beside th Tampies library.
So me, Vinosha, Surya and Yu Chuen were tasks to take care one of an old man.
I felt kind of sympathy whn toking with him.
Although he had a tattoo on his right arms.
I cant remember, is it left or right?
Anyway, Vinosha wanted to asks him abt his tattoo but i refrained her frm asking.
So, to cut th story short.
After thy had breakfasts at school we went to th hall n watch th performances.
Th performances is way better thn lasts year's.
Basically, it's funny.
After th performances it's time to said goodbye to thm.
Well, at least i could see th old folks smile.
So, I'm just going to blog abt this.
Till here dear diary.
N I'm taking a month break frm blogging bcos of fasting.
I'll resume blogging after th fasting month ends.
Goodbye dear diary!! :D

Ups it went , down it must come


Friday, July 30, 2010
▄▀▄▀ 9:24 PM ▀▄▀▄

Hey dear diary!!
It's been a long time since i last blog.
First of all, was lazy.
2nd, a lot of tests are coming because of CA2.
Let these be a short posts alrite??
During Racial Harmony Day, th councillors was tasks to take care of th Sec1's.
Was so frustrating as me n MahJabeen was shouting like hell at thm.
Anyway, both of us were tasks to Sec102.
The cls was a devil in disguise i must say. :P
So, we need to tour thm around th school..
At th end of th tour, there's councillor meeting.
N Mr Yeong ask us to giv a feedback..
All i can say tht th feedback tht i gav is all bad.
So, after giving feedbacks, Mr Yeong treat us Rite Pizza!!

So, here's th pictures!!
enjoy dear diary.
So, 2moro is th beginning of a new month..
Th month of August!! :D
How time flies..
N at 11 Augusts is th beginning of Fasting month.
I try to blog as much as i can..
N I will be taking a 1 month break of fasting month..
So, this blog will be dead for a month i guess??
I try to blog whenevr i can this few days..
Anyway, goodbye dear diary!
Till another chapter! :D

Ups it went , down it must come


Thursday, July 8, 2010
▄▀▄▀ 3:42 AM ▀▄▀▄

It's Keri Hilson with Promise in the Dark.
Nice songs for me n I'm thinknig of sharing it here. :)
So, those who stumbled into my blog, listen to this song.
Relax, it's nt a rocking songs but love songs.
So, enjoy.
Had no mood to blog for today but i all i can say tht school was like f***k!!
I'll be back some other days to blog abt school alrite.
Bye dear diary! :D

Ups it went , down it must come


Monday, June 28, 2010
▄▀▄▀ 3:19 AM ▀▄▀▄

Finally manage to find a better quality of this song.
Anyway, it's Beautiful by Amber Riley who plays as Mercedes Jones at Glee.
Quite a nice song for me as it expresses who we are.
U guys must listen to it. :D
Dun worry, this song is nt like those rocking ones where u need to lower down ur comp volume.
Although it has a high pitch.
Anyway th purpose of blogging is tht school actually strts today!!
Was fun n tiring. :)
Science n Malay cher change.
Dunno whether tht's a gd news or bad news bah. :-/
But i would still prefer th old science cher teach thn th new one. :)
Well, goin to be a shrt post for today as Im so damn tired.
Enjoy th music alrite people.

Ups it went , down it must come


Monday, June 21, 2010
▄▀▄▀ 8:54 AM ▀▄▀▄

Ps, this post is an outdated photos tht Sarah had post at FB a few days ago.
If Im nt wrong, we take this photo at vivo city th last floor.
During March Holiday 2010 i think??
Rite Jonathan Han?? :P

Sarah, me n Jonathan. This was th time whn i had those bushy hair. Bad hair day. :(

Freak U la Sarah! I was pulling up my jeans whn she take tht pic. >_<

Standard pose. U guys can learn to be emo ah. :D

Jon! :D

Sarah N WeiLing. :D

Well, tht's all bah.
last Friday went to TM with thm.
Watch Toy story 3.
Th movie was Fun n Hilarious n I was late again whn meeting thm. :-/
But th ending is a bit lame.
Im just quoting wad Sarah said. :P
I mean it didn't briefly described th ending so well.
But Im going to give this movie a thumbs up! :D
Well, our next meeting will be on September during teachers day??
Yup, so till here dear diary.
Well, goodbye!! :D

Ups it went , down it must come


Monday, June 14, 2010
▄▀▄▀ 9:39 AM ▀▄▀▄

Hey dear diary!!
So, it;s past 12am rite nw.
To be exact it's 12.43am.
Well, it's suppose to be 14 June but thn it's past 12.
So, another brand new day! :D
I'm going to blog abt my SC camp rite nw.
So, seat back n enjoy.
I'll try to catogorise th days alrite.
This is going to be a long post yow.

Day 1
Th first day was ok.
I'll try to refresh my memory..
Arrive at school at 9.45am.
At there kena sabo by Jun Xiang n Azmi.
Thn tok with Haikal.
N Yuni, Surya arrived follow by Yu Chuen n th others.
Many SC nvr come anyway.
Shouldn't hav come to tis camp sia. -.-
Thn we proceeded to th SAC n th Ex0cos breif us.
Thn skip, skip till ice breaker.
Play wackO.
No one sabo me. :)
Thn lunch??
After tht it's amazing race.
My group are: Nabihan, Mun Ee, Jasmine n Devipriya.
So, everybody was co-operative. :)
Our group was th 2nd to finish.
Thn while waiting for th others to finish their amazing race, played musical chair.
I was th first to be out.
Thn th others came back n we chit chat for a 1h?
Thn bath time n thn dinner. :)
After dinner, it's peparation for th nite walk.
Nite walk was amazing!! :D
But thn th ex-cos take it so seriously.
I mean like thy warn us nt to shine at th trees.
Number ourselves as 1-5 whn we reach lvl 3 or 4.
N whn somebody called u, dun turn arond but thn just proceed to walk.
N thn some Ex-cos's make a fuss of it?!
One of thm is Vivian i think..
Oh well, thn after nite walk proceed to our class to sleep.
Th excos gav us our hp back.
Call dad n mum.
Call mum just to ask abt wad happened during th last episode of my favourite shw. -.-
Thn proceed to dream land..
I canr sleep cos Haikal Roslan snored at me!! ><

Day 2

Wake up at 6am.
Cant sleep bcos of th floor n Haikal.
Thn bath n wait for th others to wake up.
Thn after everybody awake, went to SAC.
Put our bags n thn do morning exercise.
WTH, Guan Yang torture us till like wad sia!
Push up all tht, i tot tis camp was meant to be fun.
Thn play th wadevr game called squirrel.
Dunno th name la.
Thn play n thn went to th ISH( indoor sports hall) play captain's ball.
Thn went for breakfast.
Thn i cant remember wad happen.
PS, a lot of thn.
Skip to after lunch.
Went to th lab to watch transformers i think??
Thn Mdm Rozi gav us questions abt leadership thg.
After tht i think dinner bah.
Im becoming old n old, i cant remember thgs so well.
Thn bath time.
After tht our group performances, we decide on our skit.
Nt going to describe abt my skit. -.-
thn decide alreadi n thn Campfire.
Nabilah n Alan our ex-excos came n be with us.
thn do our performances n Im so damn embarassed.
But it turns up to be gd.
I liek th part where th excos had to performed.
I mean, it really make us bond together.
I had no idea hw to describe it, but thn it RAWKS.
thn all lights are being turned off, n we dance so WILD!!
Just like in a disco.
Jumping n swinging our light stick.
I jump till one of my shoe come out.
WTF sia! =.=
Lucky nobody saw.
Thn th lights turned on n Mdm Rozi blanja us Ice cream.
N th ice cream tht mdm rozi gave us is one of my favouritezs!!
Thnks mdm Rozi!
Eat n laugh a lot with my groupmates.
N thn we went to our bunks n proceeded to dream land.

Day 3

Wake up at 6am again.
Thn bath all tht went to SAC with our bags.
After excos gathered us, went to Indoor sports hall n play Dog n Bone.
Was fun!
Nabihan was so damn it funny!
He nvr fails to make us laugh.
But in th end, our group lost.
Thn hav breakfast.
Our breakfast is Macdonalds!!
Excos are so kind.
Thy gav us a surprise.
Oh ya, th macdonald's meal consist of muffins, scattered eggs n hot dog.
Was yummy although i prefer pan cake, ^_^.
Thn went to SAC n present our th transformers thg.
Thn write some well- wishes to th excos n my other frens.
N also to my groupmates.
Most i write to thm, thy very kind, give me.
While some write to thm, nvr write back to me anythg. -.-
Thn after tht, home sweet home.
Sleep frm 5pm to 9pm. O_o
So damn it tired.

Well, tht's all dear diary.
Sry if there's mispelled words or broken english.
Cos Im kind of lazy to blog to be truthful.
But thn force myself to do it.
Broken englsh = kiasu singaporean. :D
Im serving my country well u noe.
Doing wad others are doing. :D
N Im nt goin to re-check this post.
As I'm way to lazy.
Lol, Im nt a moron to be dumb enough to check this long post.
I got a life. :D
Great, n nw it's 1.20am.
Take abt 1/2h to blog.
Well, till here dear diary.
N i change my love songs.
Ps, nt love songs but love song.
I change it to Total eclipse of th heart by Glee.
Th lyrics sort of match my view s of love n life.
Lol, till here dear diary.
Bye!! :D

Ups it went , down it must come
